Our general surgical procedures are primarily aimed at the treatment of abdominal, proctologic and endocrinological disorders…. As a result of modernization in the surgical field, some operations performed as open surgeries before can now be done by means of endoscopy (with optical fiber devices).
As a result of modernization in the surgical field, some operations performed as open surgeries before can now be done by means of endoscopy (with optical fiber devices). The advantages of endoscopy over traditional methods are that it is less stressful for the patient, quicker, and recovery is possible with fewer complications. More and more surgeries can be performed this way (gallbladde removal, hernia surgery, plastic surgery of the solar plexus, etc.)
Surgeries are always preceded by thorough and careful examination in order to assess the disorder in question, the general condition of the patient and possible comorbidity. Examples include different diagnostic imaging examinations (Xray, ultrasound, CT), laboratory tests, ECG or consultation with one or more specialists, etc. The aim of these detailed inquiries is to prepare the patient as well as possible for the surgery, as it ensures that recovery will be quicker and complications will be considerably fewer.
Budapest Medical Services organizes and provides a wide range of general surgeries. Both endoscopic and open surgeries are performed without having to sign up for a waitinglist. Weaspire to have the best practitioners in the field. Our specialists also work state general surgery centres, thus all of them perform around 200-250 major surgeries per year. Our surgeons and nurses are highly skilled in their field and you can be assured you are always in safe hands.
We offer the folowing surgical interventions:
Rubber band ligation of hemorrhoids
Surgery of hemorrhoids
Excision of skin lesions
Diagnostic laparoscopy with bacteria or tissue samplig
Surgical removal of mammary and axillary lymph nodes
Surgical removal of the breast
Surgical removal of a lump or a tumor from the breast
Surgical removal of the gallbladder by laparotomy or laparoscopy
Removal of pilonidal abscess (pilonidal sinus)
Appendectomy by laparotomy (abdominal surgery)
Hydrocele surgery
Laparoscopic appendectomy (abdominal endoscopy)
Laparoscopic solar plexus sphincter incision (cardiomiotomy)
Laparoscopic fundoplication
Laparoscopy assisted removal of part of the small intestine
Laparoscopic surgery of abdominal adhesions (adhesiolysis)
Laparoscopic removal of the spleen
Laparoscopic adrenal surgery (abdominal endoscopy)
Laparoscopic rectoplexy (correction of a rectal prolapse, abdominal endoscopy)
Laparoscopic diaphragm surgery (abdominal endoscopy)
Laparoscopic bubonocele surgery
Removal of the spleen by laparotomy (abdominal incision)
Cyst removal from the liver
Parathyroid surgeries
Lymph node excision
Partial removal of the thyroid
Complete removal of the thyroid
Hernia surgery (flank, navel, abdominal wall)
Hernia surgery with mesh implant (flank, navel, abdominal wall)
Endoscopic hernia surgery from one side (flank, navel, abdominal wall)
Endoscopic hernia surgery from two sides (flank, navel, abdominal wall)
Laparoscopic colon surgery (abdominal endoscopy)
Callus excision
Colon removal with laparotomy (abdominal wall incision)
Partial transection of the rectal sphincter
Surgeries of anal fissures and abscess
Surgery of varicose veins from one or two sides
Please contact us for further information about treatments not listed here